Theme parks are not only theme parks

Crossovers within this industry



Theme parks are mainly resorts. Places, where people can go for holidays and enjoy their leisure time. But they are way more than that.


 Many amusement park visitors combine their visits with a city trip or other touristic attractions in that area. The theme parks work together with travel agencies, to combine both, the theme park experiences with sight seeing in the cities nearby


Theme parks have several stalls, where people can play can knock down, amongst other things. Usually they have to pay extra to join that game.

Next to the games in the theme parks, there are also many apps that were created in connection with the attractions in there.


Entertainment plays a huge role within the theme park industry. Walt Disney and Universal Studios are the two  of the biggest entertainment companies and also the two most famous and successful theme park creators all over the world. As most of the other theme parks, they transform their movie experiences into real world attractions.



Within every theme park there are many events taking place. An example is the Halloween night at the movie park Germany. When a theme park introduces a new area to the visitors, they usually make a whole event out of it as well.


As well as entertainment, media is one of the main crossovers that theme parks work with. They work together with broadcast (e.g. Disney channel) and magazines, to spread their parks and theme areas.